Writing Done Right
Selling Your Audiobook Everywhere
Summary: This video looks at selling your audiobook everywhere by uploading it to ACX and Findaway Voices.

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This video looks at selling your audiobook everywhere by uploading it to ACX and Findaway Voices.

 Selling audiobooks is easier than you may think. While they can be costly to produce. Most of the distribution companies work with teams that will help you get your book produced, sometimes for a royalty cut instead of an upfront cost.

If you want to create your own audiobook, you can consider if you have the tools and ability to do it. Audiobooks can be produced on the free, open source Audacity and I have plenty of tips on how to do that.

Once you have your audiobook files, you will need to upload your files to a web store. I use my own personal stores, one of which is here. I also use a company called PayHip that allows me to sell digital books (eBook or Audiobook) around the world. Payhip collects and pays VAT taxes for the EU countries without me having to establish a VAT account. This way people can buy my books from anywhere and listen to them on their own devices.

The bulk of the attached video here will look at uploading your audiobooks to ACX (places books on Amazon, Audiable, and iTunes) and Findaway Voices (lists and distributes to about 50 different countries around the world). Using these two platforms, you will have diversity in where your books are sold, and you will be able to tell people that they can find their books wherever they buy their books online. While I would like them to buy from my personal sites, most people already have accounts at Amazon or Kobo, and so they will prefer those stores, and they can use gift cards as well!

Go ahead and watch the attached video and skip ahead to the platforms you are interested in. I put in bookmarks in the video for your convenience.