This article gives you brief ideas on where to source images for your writing that you can legally use without getting sued.
Audacity is an excellent application for all your audiobook and podcasting needs. The recent version changes merit some discussion.
This video looks at selling your audiobook everywhere by uploading it to ACX and Findaway Voices.
The Kid3 Audio Tagger is a great cross-platform audio tagger application to manage the metadata that is attached to MP3 files. Here we look at the basic usage and hotkey configuration.
These quick steps will help bring your document to professional standards and likely lower your costs of working with an editor.
LanuageTool is a FOSS freemium tool to help with your grammar checks online and in documents.
OnlyOffice is a new free office suite tool that has a similar user interface to Microsoft Word, and it promises to support the ".docx" file format in near perfect compatibility.
Today, we return to phpList to talk about the statistics available once you send your campaign. We will look at the features and options and how to use this data to help you analyze what is working in your newsletter.
As an author, you need to write your book on software that will help with spelling, grammar, and more. This article lets you know about the various options for authoring your document.
Today we will talk briefly about where to put the barcode and how it should look to give your reader the most information about your book easily.
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