How to LEGALLY Use Photos in Your Books and Blogs
Summary: This article gives you brief ideas on where to source images for your writing that you can legally use without getting sued.

This article gives you brief ideas on where to source images for your writing that you can legally use without getting sued.

Editing First Steps
Summary: These quick steps will help bring your document to professional standards and likely lower your costs of working with an editor.

These quick steps will help bring your document to professional standards and likely lower your costs of working with an editor.

Summary: LanguageTool is a FOSS alternative to ProWritingAid and Grammarly

LanuageTool is a FOSS freemium tool to help with your grammar checks online and in documents.

Options for Authoring Software
Summary: This video summarizes software for writing your book.

As an author, you need to write your book on software that will help with spelling, grammar, and more. This article lets you know about the various options for authoring your document.

Write Your Book This Year
Summary: Follow this plan to write your book this year

If you have set a goal to write your book this year, do not delay. Here is a game plan to get your book written.

Reflections on Writing Memoirs
Summary: How does one go about writing memoires? Today I talk about my experiences.

Writing Memoirs can be both rewarding and challenging. Here are my reflections on writing my testimony.

I Overplanning My Draft!
Summary: This article talks about my experience in overplanning my latest draft!

I realized, after writing 60,000 words, that I have over planned my latest draft. Don't do what I did!

Motivation to Write
Summary: This article looks at motivation and organization to get your writing done.

Today we will look at two tips I use for motivation to get books out faster.

Precision in Novels
Summary: When we write a novel, we need to make sure that we have the facts correct.

Have you ever read a novel that intersected with your knowledge, but got the facts totally wrong? Today we want to talk about avoiding that.

Fixing a Bad Start
Summary: This article gives you five tips to fix a bad start on your draft.

Sometimes we start writing and look up a while later to find that our scribbling seems to make no sense. I looked down at my latest essay to realize it started meandering into strange, confusing places, so I thought of the steps I would need to accomplish to fix it.