Writing Done Right
Motivation in Crisis
Summary: If you find yourself out of work or on reduced hours, use the extra time productively by keeping busy.

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While most of our county is under lockdown, I want to encourage you to use the free time to finish your writing project.

If you are like millions of Americans who are temporarily out of work, the temptation to waste your time away on a Netflix binge is staring you in the face, but do not succumb: Use this time to complete your writing project.

In most cases, even under lockdown, you are allowed to go to the park, find a bench alone, and write for a while. See if the new scenery helps keep you motivated to write. Maybe even current events will help you to write?

Is Money Tight?

For some, you have completed your book and wanted to get it out to print, but layoffs have meant fewer resources to hire a typesetter or cover designer. This channel is full of free resources to teach you how to do typesetting yourself. That could save hundreds of dollars on your book production. Here are some good places to get started:

Prioritizing Your Production

Right now, it appears that physical book sales are down, so do not focus as much on print books for the time being. eBooks are huge sellers and audiobooks also remain bestsellers in the current economy. This does not have anything to do with people not liking print books (most people do), but it has to do with shipping logistics as priorities for shipping are more focused on medical supplies.

If you do not know where to start, consider uploading your first book to Amazon's free KDP platform. For audiobooks, look to Findaway Voices and ACX.