Fonts and eBooks
Summary: This article will teach you to understand font licensing, where to get fonts, and how to add them to your eBook.

You can take your eBooks to the next level of professionalism by using custom fonts. This article will walk you through using Sigil to add custom fonts to your project.

Summary: Here we cover how to add endnotes, give it a section header, and style those sections of text.

Creating a bibliography and formatting it for your book is easy, but not intuitive. This article will teach you all about the aspects of Endnotes.

LibreWriter Setup
Summary: LibreOffice has excellent customization, so if you want to change the style of the program or the default templates, you can easily do that. This article walks you through changing the default styles, adding a grammar checker, and switching to the ribbon toolbar.

LibreOffice has excellent customization, so if you want to change the style of the program or the default templates, you can easily do that. This article walks you through changing the default styles, adding a grammar checker, and switching to the ribbon toolbar.

Style Templates
Summary: This article shows you how to save your character, page, and other styles from one document and apply them to another so you can create beautiful interior styles in LibreOffice.

Learning how to save and apply template styles can save you a lot of time producing books for print.

Summary: Typesetting starts with fomatting a book for the printer with page styles.

Typesetting is the art of converting a manuscript into the required format for printing a physical copy. Here we will get you started with Page Styles.

Removing People from Images in GIMP
Summary: This article shows you how to edit people out of landscape scenery using multiple layers, alpha channels, the clone tool, and the healing brush.

In this article, we will show you how to edit people out of landscape scenery. We will use multiple layers, alpha channels, the clone tool, and the healing brush.

Layer Masks in GIMP
Summary: In this Article, we look at subtle and not-so-subtle effects, how to fade an image into another, and how to fade a title into the background.

Layer Masking is a method for fine-tuning transparency in an image layer. This article and video discusses how to use Layer Masking in GIMP.

eBook CSS
Summary: CSS will help you take your eBooks to the next level with attractive custom styles.

CSS, or Cascaded Style Sheets, is the markup language used to style eBooks if you want custom fonts or other important styles.

Getting Started with eBooks
Summary: This article will show you how to get started with eBooks from a LibreWriter document.

This article walks us through the steps to create and prepare an eBook from a LibreWriter document.

Book Cover Templates
Summary: This article shows you how to get started with cover templates from KDP and IngramSpark

Getting a book cover template is the best way to get started on your full cover. You can grab a template from KDP or Ingram.