Many authors get the end of their manuscript and ask themselves if they have to copyright their work. This will help answer those questions.
Every author needs an email list. If you do not have a service to manage your emails, you need to get one. These points will help you chose one.
Before bringing your book to print, be sure you have the little details taken care of. This article will give you a list of small things you will need to have before bringing your book to print.
When an author reads their own audiobook, the story comes off with more power. This article shows the low-cost studio I use for record audiobooks.
This article will show you have to reset the page numbers in your book, how to use Roman numerals, at the front, and how to number the pages in your book.
Today we will look at the parts of a novel and where they go in your finalized document.
While most of our county is under lockdown, I want to encourage you to use the free time to finish your writing project.
When typesetting you book, you will want to use Headers, but it is important to work with headers correctly. Here we will walk you through a few tips when working with Headers in LibreOffice.
You need a barcode for your book cover; do not rely on the free one that will be affixed to your uploaded cover. This article will give you a few resources to get a free barcode.
You can take your eBooks to the next level of professionalism by using custom fonts. This article will walk you through using Sigil to add custom fonts to your project.
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